Welcome to Skeleton Py’s documentation!

This is a micro-language to build common comments on the Stack Exchange network. The comments have a modular design, this means that you can plug them together like lego.

$ python -m se_comments "
  Welcome[John Doe],
        Quote[this does not work],
        Asking[to fix this]
552 / 600
Welcome to Code Review John Doe. Unfortunately your question is currently off-topic. We only review [code that works as intended](//codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/a/3650). Since you've said "this does not work"; and you're asking us to fix this we can see the code is not working correctly. The code to be reviewed must be [inline in the question](//codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1308). Once you have fixed the issues with your post we'll be happy to review your code. [Titles](/help/how-to-ask) should only consist of a description of your code.

Welcome to Code Review John Doe. Unfortunately your question is currently off-topic. We only review code that works as intended. Since you’ve said “this does not work”; and you’re asking us to fix this we can see the code is not working correctly. The code to be reviewed must be inline in the question. Once you have fixed the issues with your post we’ll be happy to review your code. Titles should only consist of a description of your code.

Indices and tables